Transformative sessions and treatments

Online and in my practice in Venray

The core purpose of all the sessions here for you to explore is to guide you through an effective process of powerful transformation in the desired areas of your life. Transformation results in you feeling whole, healed, renewed, fulfilled, liberated, stable, and empowered to create a life you love. 

If you are unsure about where to begin or which session package or path is best for you, go ahead and book a 30min call with me for a free intake.

Online Sessions

€99 / 90 mins

Inner-Light Boosting Session

Are you;

  • Feeling tired, anxious or disconnected?

  • Desiring to feel more mentally and emotionally stable?

  • Missing the feeling of being excited about life and having a clear sense of direction?

  • Having a hard time freeing yourself from draining entanglements with people from your past or who are still in your life now?

  • Feeling stuck with a negative inner voice and negative self-image?

    This is a powerful clearing and healing “Kaiyann-Isa session” to get your life back on track and boost your inner light!

Kaiyann implements self-developed techniques such as:

  • The "Next Level Freedom" clearing method

  • Energetic Unplugging:

    Uncover the root cause of your life force energy leaks and blockages. By rewiring your energy circuits and plugging into your own Inner-Source of Energy (love, wholeness, freedom) you cultivate the energy you need physically, mentally/emotionally and spiritually, to regain your lust for life!

  • Retrieving information from cellular/akashic memory with sacred vocal frequencies.

After the session, you will receive the recording from me via WeTransfer.

€77 / 45 mins

Light Language Reading

& Source-Ki Body Flow

Personalised Video

Kaiyann-Isa’s body Flow videos are based on QiGong.

After a light language reading that is focused on tuning into your divine essence and bringing clarity & insights to any questions or needs you may have, Kaiyann will create a personalized Body Flow routine for you.

Integrating the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaiyann will create a routine that is best suited to balance your energy systems and support you in anchoring your Original Light, resulting in better health, higher quality energy, and more ease and direction in daily life.

€555 / 5 sessions

Total Transformation

Golden DNA Activation 5-series

These sessions are to support, activate and ascend the human DNA to the golden frequencies of the Absolute Harmonic Realms beyond the known dimensions of the human mind.

This series of 5 1-on-1 sessions results in ultimate transformation, inner freedom, mind-mastery, and living a fulfilling life beyond your current imagination. I will guide you through a journey that will show you how to open yourself up to new levels of self-love and freedom.

During every session you will consciously unplug your energetic circuits from the misaligned (fear-based) programming and systems built on seperation, in the fallen-matrix, and consciously plug into the Original Source of Love and Oneness.

You will discover unexpected truths about how you are losing your precious life force energy because of attachments to collective thought-fields that keep you stuck in fear and separation, to karmic entanglements with individuals you can’t seem to let go of or they seem to not let go of you, and to your ideas of identity, survival mechanisms, shadow sides of your ego, and lack of self-esteem.

Losing your power like this may result in a life where you experience relationship and intimacy issues, struggle with your health and with money, don’t feel at home in your body, constantly feel drained or empty, and as if life has no real purpose.

Journey of 5 sessions to more experiences of wholeness, Love & Freedom:

1) Multidimensional Bio-Energy field clearing

2) Karmic imprint & Shadow Persona Clearing

3) 1st Golden DNA Activation

4) 2nd Golden DNA Activation

5) 3rd Golden DNA Activation

Treatments in my Practice in Venray

Langstraat 106 - entrance of IQ Wellness Center

Your physical body has an incredible self-healing ability. It’s most visible when you damage your skin and day by day you witness the renewal of your skin. The majority of the healing, renewing and regenerating process is taking place in ways invisible to us. It’s the parasympathetic system of the body that needs energy to do all this work. A common problem however, is that most people are so continuously switched on and active in the “go-go-go” modus of the sympathetic system, that energy becomes depleted and emotional and mental energy stagnates. This stagnation manifests as blockages in the body’s various energy systems and may cause physical illness, pain, emotional instability, depression, feeling lost and disconnected, anxiety, insomnia, addictive behavior, overproduction of stress hormones leading to burn-out symptoms and just simply feeling like something is “off”.

The treatments I give in my practice are multidimensional. On the one level I energize the parasympathetic system, allowing you to recharge and naturally harmonize the flow of bioelectricity to all the systems of your body; the integumentary system (skin), skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. On another level there is a process of energetic “rewiring” going on within the brains neural pathways. Energy leaks and blockages are being pinpointed and resolved. On the level of cellular memory there is a lot of cleansing, releasing, resetting and recalibrating taking place. On the highest level you are (re)aligning your Universal Being, bringing all aspects of You together as a whole, so that you can hear the voice of your Higher Consciousness clearly and become truly empowered to take leadership of your life. 

Explore the treatments I offer in my practice here below.

Source-KI healing touch

A combination of ayurvedic  Marma therapy and TCM external Qi, guided by my Higher Consciousness and expressed through my hands as the healing instrument on your clothed body. Specific Marma and acupressure points are worked on in the order of priority based on where the life force energy flow needs to be activated and harmonized first. All the yin & yang organs, meridians, and the balance of elemental characteristics will be assessed through consciousness communication and treated accordingly, resulting in increased vitality and self-healing activation. My sacred vocal frequencies combined with my crystal singing bowls will enhance your sensory and spiritual experience. My clairvoyant visions I receive during the treatment will be shared with you mostly after we are done and drinking tea together.

There are 2 session options:

90-mins (€111) or 2-hours (€133)

Please choose the 2-hour session if you are coming for the first time or if you prefer to have more time.

My clients have called this unique full body massage the greatest gift for their body, mind and soul. 

I create a warm and sacred space for you where your ultimate journey for multidimensional healing, transformation and bliss will take place. You will be massaged with warm oil while relaxing on a heated massage table.

Besides the muscular and lymphatic work being done, I will also integrate the techniques I use during the inner-light healing touch treatment and share the communications I receive from your Higher Consciousness and body’s cellular & akashic memory with you. 

After the massage, while still in deep relaxation, I will perform a sound healing for you with my crystal singing bowls and sacred vocal frequencies. Once you are dressed again you will then still have time to "land" and enjoy a cup of tea and a plate of fruits, and I will write down the highlights of your journey for you.

Massage 100 mins - €155 (total time 2.5 hours)

Source-KI Full Body Massage

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