
I have had the privilege of working with clients from all over the world during the past 16 years in the field of holistic mind-body wellbeing. My passions are Light Language, massage, energy healing & QiGong (TCM). I give treatments and teach courses in my practice in Venray and online.

I am here to guide you on your unique journey of transformation and growth so that you can live a life you love.

Enjoy exploring my world of sacred healing arts…

Love, Kaiyann-Isa

Upcoming events

Energetic Unplugging Masterclasses

Become the master of your energy and your inner world. Because… “As Within So Without.”

Starting in June on Friday mornings.

New Massage Course

Source-KI Massage Practitioner

a course developed by Kaiyann-Isa.

Beginners and experienced massage practitioners.

Take your clients on an incredible full-body massage journey. It will energize and harmonize all the systems of the body, activate self-healing, clear the mind, and free the soul.

My approach

As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. 

It is my belief too that this is the language of all Creation. It is the language in which your Body and Soul speaks to me.

Energy (and what I call Source-Ki Codes) is followed by Form, so whatever has materialized or crystallized in your life, began with an energetic code or blueprint. 

We will work together from this layer. I will help you to translate this energetic data and guide you through it to truly experience transformation in your life in many ways; the level of cellular / DNA and neural pathway reprogramming.

My specialities

  • Clearing energetic blocks that cause mental, emotional, and physical imbalance or disease.

  • Clearing unwanted (ID)entities and attachments.

  • Reprogramming destructive/disruptive (behavior) patterns and conditioning.

  • Undoing Karmic entanglements.

  • Revealing the shadow games of the false self.

  • Reprogramming subconscious beliefs holding you back from being the true Creator that you are.

  • Dissolving energetic cords, forgotten contracts, and vows that can be imprisoning and exhausting.

  • Breaking the cycle of addiction and self-destruction.

  • Bringing the flow back where stagnation has occurred in your personal development or growth of your business life.


Transformative Sessions


I offer online life-mastery coaching sessions and in-person Source-Ki healing treatments in my practice in Venray. You can choose to do a single session to boost your inner-light, or commit to a series of sessions and transform all areas of your life on a more profound level.

Source-Ki Code University


Here you will discover a variety of new paradigm education courses that I have been developing since 2017. This method of learning is based on the power of your direct experience with different forms of energy/information in correlation with the Universal Laws. 

If you are unsure about where to begin or which session package or path is best for you, go ahead and book a 30min call with me for a free intake.

“Live in alignment with your True Self and the Source of all Life in your own unique way”

Once the remembrance of who you really are in Essence is awakened,  I believe that all the information and guidance you will ever need will be accessed effortlessly. You will have profound experiences of self-healing, and discover that you are truly your own master teacher.

Kind words…


Here you will find my favourite recordings of online group classes & meditation journeys, my book The Purifying Room which I will sign and post to you myself and my package of 9 meditations with Music From Source. 

Feel free to read my stories

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